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10 home remedies to control Diabetes

Diabetes is basically caused due to the lack of production of insulin or improper use of the produced insulin, which eventually leads to a deficiency in the blood glucose level. Diabetes is of two types, one where the insulin production is insufficient therefore the glucose level cannot be balanced; two when the body cannot produce insulin at all and therefore patients must inject insulin to maintain close levels. Apart from synthetic drugs, you can use various home remedies to cure or at least improve your diabetic condition. Here are some great home remedies to effectively maintain your blood sugar level:

Bitter gourd –

Have juice extracted from bitter gourd every morning on an empty stomach. Having this everyday for a few months will help maintain blood sugar levels.​


Guava -

Have guava every day after peeling the skin off. It contains Vitamin C and fiber which help maintain the standard blood glucose level. Excessive guava eating is not recommended.


Mango leaves -

Soak fresh mango leaves in water (say a one litre bottle) over night and consume first thing in the morning. You could even let them dry out, powder the leaves and have half a teaspoon everyday.


​Basil leaves –

Have 2 tablespoons of juice extracted from basil leaves empty stomach, in the morning. These are loaded with antioxidants that relieve stress and also contain oils that help lower blood sugar levels.


​Jamun -

Jamun’s leaves, seeds and berries are effective in improving blood sugar levels and they also prevent spikes in the level of insulin. You could eat a handful of the berries or powder the leaves and seeds- which you should consume twice a day.


​Amla –

Combine 2 teaspoons of amla juice in water and have it as soon as you wake up. Make this a part of your everyday routine to maintain blood sugar levels.


​Flaxseeds -

Eat one tablespoon of flaxseed powder with a glass of warm water every morning, on an empty stomach. Flax seed can bring down your sugar level by almost 28%. But be careful not to have more than 2 tablespoons per day, as that could be bad for health.


​Neem –

Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity, improves circulation and lowers blood sugar levels thereby reducing your dependency on synthetic drugs. Drink the juice of the need shoot everyday on an empty stomach for best results.


Fruits –

Fruits are rich in fiber and other minerals which help stabilize blood sugar levels of the body. Consume at least 5 fruits a day! Choose fruits like banana’s, blackberries, cranberries, grape fruit, blueberries, kiwi and other citrus fruits. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

​Apple cider vinegar -

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a class water and consume before every large meal. The nutritional components in apple cider will help control the rise in blood sugar levels after eating.​


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